
Play Dream Monsters Game Online

    Dream Monsters
    A night of good sleep is the key to having a happy life; we don't overestimate our dreams when we say that. With good sleep we improve our health, and we become more functional and productive in everything.
    Every night Judy fights with monsters in her dreams. She dreams about those monsters that don't leave her every night. She sees them everywhere, in all of her rooms, making her wonder if this is true or not. This night the monsters are giving her a task to find 10 dream catchers, if she likes the monsters to leave her alone. She is scared of the monsters, but she is prepared to do everything possible to be done, to put an end to those nightmares. Judy wishes to sleep tight and to have normal dreams, calm dreams, instead of those terrible sights that she sees every night.
    This girl will be very thankful if we help her face the monsters and get rid of them once and for all. Let's see what is actually happening in her dreams and hope this will be the last night with nightmares for her.


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    Dream Monsters

    Genres: Scary
    Played: 30,805
    Published on: 24.09.2022
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    aysecinar (2 years ago):

    Dream Monsters game is copyrighted by hidden4fun.com. See privacy policy and terms of condition.

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