
Play The Sixth Prophecy Game Online

    The Sixth Prophecy
    The prophecies are strange. Usually they are not exactly as they sound but they are full of metaphors and hidden meaning. Even though something may sound huge and apocalyptical, it could refer to something else and there are not many people who are able to interpret that secret meaning.

    Ralph is caught in a small city in the moment when it seems that there would be a huge storm. Before exactly one year, Ralph has heard from a local meteorologist certain forecast about a storm of huge proportions. On the other hand, some religious leaders in the world believe that this is actually the Sixth Prophecy written in the Bible. According to this prophecy there is an apocalypse coming! We may say that those things are just rumors, just something that certain people declare but there are not evidences about it.

    However, all of this sounds rather scary for someone like Ralph. He is stuck there and he should find a way how to leave this place in shortest time possible because who knows what could actually happen. He has to find all the needed objects and leave the place since if there is a storm that big, he may end up rather bad.


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    The Sixth Prophecy

    Genres: Adventure | Scary
    Played: 102,244
    Published on: 12.07.2017
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    All comments (5)
    jackfrost (4 years ago):
    jean (5 years ago):
    Tatiankash (7 years ago):
    %u0411%u043E%u043B%u044C%u0448%u043E%u0435 %u0441%u043F%u0430%u0441%u0438%u0431%u043E %u0412%u0430%u043C %u0437%u0430 %u0432%u0435%u043B%u0438%u043A%u043E%u043B%u0435%u043F%u043D%u044B%u0435 %u0438%u0433%u0440%u0443%u0448%u043A%u0438!!! %u0415%u0441%u0442%u044C %u043B%u0435%u0433%u043A%u0438%u0435, %u0435%u0441%u0442%u044C %u0441%u043B%u043E%u0436%u043D%u044B%u0435, %u043D%u043E %u0432%u0441%u0435%u0433%u0434%u0430 %u043E%u0447%u0435%u043D%u044C %u0438%u043D%u0442%u0435%u0440%u0435%u0441%u043D%u044B! %u041F%u0440%u043E%u0441%u044C%u0431%u0430 %u0442%u0435%u043C%u043D%u044B%u0435 %u0434%u0435%u043B%u0430%u0442%u044C %u043F%u043E%u044F%u0440%u0447%u0435. %u0411%u043B%u0430%u0433%u043E%u0434%u0430%u0440%u044E %u0437%u0430 %u0438%u043D%u0442%u0435%u0440%u0435%u0441%u043D%u044B%u0439 %u0441%u0430%u0439%u0442!
    Pek-Inés (7 years ago):
    Really funny, it could be great if we can repeat Zuma! Thanks.
    mabby (7 years ago):
    Pls, give us a second chance when Zuma was not completed!! Thanks guys.

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